
Tuesday 19 June 2012


CREDIT: jp-eng trans cr: tables @ AVIATEB1A4

At long last, B1A4 has achieved their Japanese debut, set for the 27th of June. Their single, ‘Beautiful Target’, in which the personalities of the 5 members overlap, charms us with their performance and song that’s full of vigour! For some reason, the Japanese version of their music video is interesting!
The inevitable break in 2012, at last, B1A4 is making their official start in Japan!! Involved in the composition of the songs, the self-production of the showing of their respective unique characters, and on top of that, in any case, all the members of B1A4 are adorable! With that, they debut with their single ‘Beautiful Target!’
The feeling that because both oneself, and B1A4, is here.

Reporter: What is your recommended point for your debut song, ‘Beautiful Target’?
CNU: I think that the distinctive feature of this song is the different types of special effects, such as the sound of gunfire and a girl’s shriek.
Reporter: How sounds that are linked to the lyrics of the songs can be heard is the spirit of the song, right?
Jinyoung: Soon after my singing part, Baro starts his rap. Just by hearing his rap, your feelings will get higher!

Gongchan: During the second half of the song, ‘ID password your luv’, we’ve changed the performance for our Japanese version of ‘Beautiful Target’, so please pay attention to our movements.
Sandeul: I sing the hook of the song, ‘Oh my beautiful target’. Here, the atmosphere of the song changes drastically, and please think ‘it’s changing, it’s changing, it’s changed~’ as you listen to it.
Baro: I think that the most addictive part of the song is in the middle, with the high ‘I like it like it like it’. I dare say that at that part, even if you don’t listen carefully to it, you’ll jump right in. As our dance has adorable movements, do pay attention to our performance!
Reporter: Not only did you change the lyrics to Japanese for the Japanese version of ‘Beautiful Target’, you shot a new music video for it too, right?
CNU: Right. The story in this video is different from the one in the Korean version. Jinyoung invents a type of perfume in this video.

Jinyoung: I spray the perfume one by one on the members in the video. And…
Gongchan: There are side effects to the perfume, and I will grab hold of Jinyoung’s chest. Everyone, please don’t have misunderstandings about our relationship when you see this. Because that’s just our acting. (laughs)
Sandeul: After Jinyoung sprays the perfume on me, I become a girl. (laughs) And then there’s the scenes where I try to seduce the other four members, and in order to act well for that, I tried filing my nails and shining them beautifully like a girl would.
Baro: After hearing that, I think that people would want to watch our music video. When you do, please look at my parts in the video. (smiles)
Reporter: In this song, there are sounds that leave an impression such as the sound shooting through something with a bang during the performances. Is it fixed when it comes to the person who does it everytime?
CNU: At the start of the song, it’s Jinyoung who shoots, and during the second time, Gongchan shoots while he jumps.
Reporter: During your live performance, do you shoot at a beautiful girl as your target with a bang?
Jinyoung: That’s what you’d think, right? Nope, it isn’t~ (laughs) At that time, it wasn’t just one, but many bullets came out from gunpoint for me! At that time I aimed at everyone.
Reporter: You’re skillful! What will you do if you meet your Beautiful Target for real?
CNU: I’d create an atmosphere where I’d protect you from afar, while having interest in you.
Jinyoung: I’d actively approach (my beautiful target).
Gongchan: I’d get close to (my beautiful target) little by little, and when the chance arrives, I’d confess.
Sandeul: I’d want to have conversations (with my beautiful target), so first, I’d work hard at becoming on good terms (with my beautiful target).

Baro: Based on appearances, I seem like I’d directly attack (my beautiful target), right? The truth is the exact opposite, I’m really shy when it comes to girls, so I’ll just watch from afar. If I know that the girl is into me, I’d probably try to appeal to her.
Sandeul: Baro, that’s definitely not how someone who’s blood type B acts. You’d only do that if you’re type A (laughs)
Reporter: Well, we’ll talk about the other song on your disc. ‘Chu Chu Chu’ refers to a kiss?
Baro: Ahh~ In Japan, it seems like it evokes the image of a kiss as well. That’s why there are people who say that this song is sexy. I finally understand why.
Jinyoung: In Korea, this is what one says when one is cuddling one’s girlfriend.
CNU: That’s why this song is a song that feels like you’re sweetly whispering to your girlfriend. We sang ‘Beautiful Target’ as an impressive confession that was full of cheerfulness. To match that type of song, we changed the way we sang.
Reporter: Next is ‘Bling Girl’. The dance for this song is rather impressive, right?
Jinyoung: This movement (using your thumb and index finger, you make a circle with your wrist), right. This is to show how bling glitters.
Reporter: This is a song that Jinyoung composed, right. When it was decided that it would be included in the Japanese version, how did you feel?
Jinyoung: I was overjoyed. This song was written as I thought of how it would be like to have an unrequited love. This song wasn’t just about me, everyone worked hard on it.
Reporter: What sort of image does the rap part of this song give out?
Baro: It shows someone who’s gravitating towards a lady who sparkles.

Reporter: Well then, what sort of song is your original Japanese song, ‘Ready to go’?
Jinyoung: It’s a song about the five of us working towards our goals.
Baro: In the rap part that I wrote, I envision the future that we’re working towards from now on. At long last it will be time for us to spread our wings, so I wrote with the feeling of us not being discouraged, and our aspirations from now on.
Reporter: It’s the first time you’re singing in Japanese, and which Japanese words left an impression on you?
CNU: For me, it’s ‘todoke’ (to send) in ‘Beautiful Target’.
Jinyoung: For me, it’s a part in ‘Beautiful Target’. The part of the lyrics where it goes something like I believe in our fateful meeting echoes in my heart.
Gongchan: For me, it’s ‘koko kara’ (because we’re here) in ‘Ready to go’, as it shows that it’s because me myself, and B1A4, are truly here.

Sandeul: For me, it’s ‘arittake’ (all of) from ‘Beautiful Target’. It’s because the ‘ri’ sound involves the rolling of my tongue, and I’ve sang that part lots, and that word doesn’t disappear from my head.
Baro: It’s ‘tobu ka hoo~’ (shall we fly, hoo~) from ‘Beautiful Target’ for me. I’d like to hear this part in Budokan [t/n: a huge venue for concerts in Japan, where famous stars perform]. We dream of holding a concert in Japan’s Budokan, and we’d fly towards that day. I rap that part with that sort of feeling.
Reporter: With this song, B1A4 will soon debut in Japan. What would you like to become?
Sandeul: As we’d like to become a B1A4 with the each of us having our own respective characters, we’d like lots of people to feel the harmony between our different personalities.
CNU: Within the songs are B1A4’s colours. With our different charms that we show in the diffferent genres of songs, we’d like to show our different colours to everyone.
B1A4’s debut single’s launch event!!
30th of June at Tokyo Big Sight and 1st of July at Kawasaki Lazona Plaza!
Baro: It’s the first time we’re having an official handshake event. That’s why, I’m really excited!
Jinyoung: During our high five session, there were fans who came wearing clothes that they’d made to look like ours, and I’m excited thinking about whether the handshake event would be like that too!
Sandeul: I’d like to create good memories for everyone during our first handshake event, so from the first person to the last, we’d like to put our heart into it, and shake everyone’s hands, one by one.
Gongchan: Because there may be fans who are too shy or embarrassed to say what they’d like to say, so with kindness and friendliness, we’d like to get closer to our fans.
CNU: I’m really looking forward to the event with our Japanese fans. I hope that the day we meet our fans comes faster!

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